Thursday 21 April 2011

Week 6 – Landscape and the Sublime

Wanderer in the mists (1818) Casper David Friedrich
Untitled # 394 - 03 (2003) Richard Misrach
Untitled # 2 (2002) Richard Misrach

1. What and when was the Enlightenment?

“In it’s simplest sense the Enlightenment was the creation of a new framework of ideas about man, society and nature, which challenged existing conceptions rooted in a traditional world-view, dominated by Christianity”. Hamilton (1992)

As discussed by Hooker (1996) it is hard to find a beginning or end to the enlightenment, so it is simply referred to as seventeenth century thought. Hooker goes on in saying, “we can’t really identify an end point either for we still more or less live in an Enlightenment world”.

2. Define the concept of the Sublime.

The concept of the Sublime defined by Burke (1729-1797) “was that the life of feeling and spirit depended on a harmony within the larger order of the universe. The sublime, therefore, was the ultimate experience of divinity, a mixture of awe, fear, and enlightenment produced by the contemplation of a powerful, terrifying nature; for Burke, the Sublime was already connected to landscape.”

3. How did the concept of the Sublime come out of the Enlightenment thought?

Enlightenment thought like the sublime challenged old ideas about nature but most of the emphasis of the enlightenment was on man and society. The sublime concentrates only on nature and how insignificant humans are compared to the natural world.
I believe without the birth of enlightenment thought man would not have realized the ideas of the sublime (as defined in question 2) and how important the natural world is to our lives.

4. Discuss the subject matter, and aesthetic (look) of Misrach's work to identify the Sublime in his work. Add some more images of his work.

As the artist says himself “Paradise has become an uneasy dwelling place; the sublime sea frames our vunerability, and the precarious nature of life itself”. It is very easy for me to identify Misrach’s use of the sublime in his series of photographs called “on the beach”. 

His photographs easily represent “the vastness of space and the human beings insignificance within it,” Richard Misrach: on the beach (2007). We can see this by the immense beach compared to how tiny the people are which are also captured within the photographs.

I find Misrach’s photographs very aesthetically appealing because the beach captured is so beautiful and his photos for me definitely seize this beauty.

5. Identify some other artists or designers that work with ideas around the Sublime, from the Enlightenment era as well as contemporary artists.

Sunny Morning on the Hudson River (1827) Thomas Cole
Flatford Mill 1817 John Constable

The Grand Canal, Venice (1835) JMW Turner
Smokey Clouds over the River (1996) Chen Jun

6. How does Misrach's photography make you feel? Does it appeal to your imagination?

Studying Misrach’s photographs relaxes me. The vastness of the ocean and beach compared to how small the people are in the photographs also has an automatic calming effect on me and I find myself in quite a reflective mood.

These photographs also appeal to my imagination because I want to be included in the photographs and I start to imagine what it would feel like to be there.

7. Add a Sublime image of your choice to your blog, which can be Art or just a Sublime photograph.

Sketch for Landscape from Flagstaff (1942) Colin McCahon

Reference List:

A picture of britain (2005, June 15)

Burke, E. (1757). A philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the Sublime and beautiful. London, England: T.W. Copeland.

Chinese art paintings

Hooker, R. (1996). Seventeenth Century Enlightenment Thought

Olga's gallery.

Richard Misrach: On the Beach (2007).

Turner, Joseph Mallord William.


  1. I agree with your comment on the enlightenment being the emphasis on man and society, and how insignificant humans are compared to the natural world, and how important it is to us. Misrach’s work are indeed beautiful and appealing to look at. They make you want to see closer into the figure in the works and who exactly they are though we will never know.

  2. I like the quotes you have used to describe the Sublime and the Enlightenment. However I think you could of gone into more depth and detail in describing these as there is so much more to these movements to be talked about, though it's a great starting explanation.

  3. First I want to say is your blog is very easy to read. I like the quote that the artist says himself “Paradise has become an uneasy dwelling place; the sublime sea frames our vunerability, and the precarious nature of life itself”. I love the beach and ocean in those photographs and the blue colour looks very nice. His works strongly show the beauty of the landscape and sublime. I also like the Chinese ink and wash painting Smokey Clouds over the River (1996) you chose, big mountain with trees extend far away and a little house and boat appear indistinctly.

  4. I agree with Lu your blog is really well layed out and communicates clearly and easily. I enjoyed you definitions as they set out a clear understanding for what you were discussing and were well referenced. I agree that the Enlightenment period of thought and the idea of the Sublime nature of life are inter-linked concepts. It is interesting to see how one process of thought can spark the creation of another. I really enjoyed looking at your examples of other sublime artworks. Especially Turner's painting. It would have been interesting to hear your thoughts on these works and how they related to MIsrarch's works.

  5. I really relate to you when you say Misrach's work is relaxing. I totally took this question in a drifferent context, and therefore have a way different answer, however the i do get a emotional 'at peace feeling with this image, just as you said.

  6. "Studying Misrach’s photographs relaxes me. The vastness of the ocean and beach compared to how small the people are in the photographs also has an automatic calming effect on me and I find myself in quite a reflective mood." I also get the calm feeling when looking at his work. His work truly demonstrates the phrase, "visual pleasure". Both in a dreamy and nature. His use of the dry brush fade inspires me to try new painting schemes.
