Friday 20 May 2011

Week 9 - Modernism and Post Modernism

Maggie, (1996), Oil on canvas, 30 x 24"
(76.2 x 61 cm), Photograph by Ellen Page Wilson, courtesy of PaceWildenstein, New York, © Chuck Close

Self Portrait (1994). Chuck Close. Detail.

Water Lillies (1920) Claude Monet

Water Lillies (1920) Claude Monet.

1.Outline the intentions of each artist

Claude Monet
Claude Monet is known as an impressionist.  Impressionism is  “a theory or style of painting originating and developed in France during the 1870s, characterized by concentration on the immediate visual impression produced by a scene and by the use of unmixed primary colours and small strokes to simulate actual reflected light,” (
With his impressionistic style Monet was intent on capturing such things as colour, reflection, nature and also light and its constant changes. We can see this in the painting Water lilies (1920), and also in his painting’s called haystack series (1890-1891). This is a succession of paintings where a “series of haystacks are painted under different light conditions at different times of the day. He would rise before dawn, paint the first canvas for half an hour, by which time the light would have changed. Then he would switch to the second canvas, and so on. The next day he would repeat the process”, (

Images of paints of Monet's Haystack Series (1890-1891)

Chuck Close
Close is famous for his larger than life paintings of human heads (heads mainly of family and friends). In his earlier work he painted them in a photorealistic style, and later on his style changed and he started painting faces that were made up of a series of grids that contained abstract biomorphic shapes. Now his work is seen as a cross between abstraction and realism. He believes that the human face can show some ones attitude toward life with their expression and also with the way in which they have aged.  Close is also quoted in saying “I was trying to rip it loose of the context in which we normally saw portraits and normally saw people, and try to make it a scanning experience, an experience of stumbling through this landscape,” (, 2007)

2.Describe the techniques of each artist.

Claude Monet
As Monet was an impressionist painter he painted what he saw with a limited palette and "built up texture through his brush strokes, which vary from thick to thin, with tiny dabs of light, adding contours for definition and colour harmonies, working from dark to light," (Boddy-Evans). He also painted on a light coloured canvas and often painted the same subject over and over but with different variables such as light.

Chuck Close
In the painting Maggie (1998), Close uses a series of abstracted grids to form the face of his daughter Maggie. To create this painting, "he translates a photograph once taken by him into a painting in a pixelwise manner, using various techniques," (, 2008). This is then used to help him create his painting with the use of bold colours and oil on canvas.

3. Find 2 quotes about each artists work, and reference them correctly

Claude Monet
“As he entered the twentieth century, Monet was already sixty and no longer the struggling bohemian who fought the stultifying conventions of the French Academy. Now prosperous and settled in Giverny, he might have retired into comfortable self-parody. Instead, he devoted another quarter of a century to wrestling with the contradictions of vision and representation, and found a way to capture the lessons of reflection, refraction, and transparency, which he learned from looking into a water garden,” (Rosoff,2011).

“Claude Monet and the Impressionists were the forward thinkers and painters of their time. They used quick brushstrokes and a rapid pace to capture lively outdoor scenes.

    Inspired by the colors and shadows revealed by sunlight, the Impressionists typically worked outside, without many preliminary sketches or drafts. This was in direct contrast to the conservative traditions of the time, where painters remained indoors, confined to their studios, working on crisp, sharply rendered images,” (Simkus, 2010).

Chuck Close
“Chuck Close's monumental paintings of his friends, family and himself are instantly recognisable. Photographically realistic from a distance, upon closer inspection the portraits reveal themselves as the accumulation of hundreds of geometric shapes -- circles and triangles of different colours inside diamonds and rectangles,” (Mason, 2009).

“It may be significant that, whereas in art criticism old art is seldom if ever found to contain this commodity, current work is thought to abound in it. Mr. Close said in an interview not long ago that he wanted his works to be 'intimate experiences,' and also to have 'lots of small bits of information.' That way, he said, viewers can experience the ''initial confrontation'' with the whole portrait then, drawing nearer, can 'find lots of stuff to deal with,’” (Raynor, 1983).

4. Note 3 similarities of the work of both artists.

There are a few similarities between the work of the artists Close and Monet, some being:
·         Both artists are very passionate about their work and both like to create a series of work around the same subject matter to capture different elements which couldn’t be captured with just one painting on their chosen subject.
·         Both Close and Monet have used bold colours in their later works, normally not mixing the colours and leaving them separate on the canvas.
·         Both artists have painted subject matters which are of a modernist style and are un-idealised. Monet of landscapes and Close of portraits.
·         Both Monet and Close are also considered to be influential artists of their times.

5. What are some differences between the artist's work. (At least 3).

There are many differences between Close and Monet’s paintings, some being:
·         The obvious, Monet paints landscapes and Close paints portraits.
·         Monet is considered as an impressionist whereas Close is known for his realism and abstract art.
·         Close uses oil paint on canvas and Monet used acrylic on canvas.
·         Monet uses short sharp strokes to create his paintings whereas Close paints in a more systematic way with long thick lines and a grid formation for his work.

6. Describe your response to the work of both artists.

Close working on a painting in his workshop

I really enjoyed researching and comparing both artists to one another. I’ve heard of Monet before as he is a very famous artist but I’d never heard of Close. It was interesting for me to learn that after Closes health left him paraplegic he taught himself to paint again and now straps a paint brush to his hand to create his paintings. I find this very inspiring because a lot of people would give up if they were in this position.

I also liked learning about the two different styles in which Close painted and I think his earlier photorealistic paintings are breath taking. I also believe this of Monet’s work.

The way in which Monet has an eye for capturing light in his work so effectively is stunning. I loved looking at images of all his paintings and would love to have a talent like Monet.

Overall I think both artists are amazing and would love to view both of their works up close in a gallery.

Reference List

Rosoff,P. (2011) Monet’s water lilies: an artist’s obsession. Art New England, 32(3).

Simkus,J.(2010). Modern impressions. Arts and activities, 148(3) 34-5.

Mason, B. (2009). How grandma’s crochet inspired my artistic vision. Art newspaper, 18(44).


Monet’s colours.

Boddy-Evans, M. Palettes and techniques of the impressionist masters: Claude Monet.

(2008). Chuck Close: seven portraits.

(2007). Chuck Close: Family and Others.


  1. I wish you would give some more insite to the feelings you these artists make you feel, you repeat love alot but it really stops there. i for one didn't do this weeks blog and now wish i had! But the little description of the artists work leaves me wanting more so internet here i come!

  2. What intrigued me the most about your post, even before I read it, are the numerous amounts of references you have used to support your response and ideas. I believe you have researched this topic in great depth and you have answered all the questions accurately. I also really like the additional images you have used. I feel you have identified interesting similarities and differences between Close and Monet’s work. I have to agree with what you said about both Monet and Close being considered some of the most influential artists of their times. Like you, I would also love to see their works up close!

  3. "The way in which Monet has an eye for capturing light in his work so effectively is stunning. I loved looking at images of all his paintings and would love to have a talent like Monet." In comparison, I liked Monet's work best. His use of brush strokes and vibrant colors, atmospherically changes the mood. As this demonstrates the passion Monet has in his work.

  4. i like the effect of brightness in monets work , its very effective and stunning to view , i like looking at his images because of the different ways he shows his talent , his use of brush strokes and vibrant colors to show how the change of emotions he has in his works
