Thursday 25 August 2011

Kehinde Wiley and Intertextuality

1. Find a clear definition of Intertextuality and quote it accurately on your blog using the APA referencing system. Use your own words to explain the definition more thoroughly.

As Kilbride (2011) explains, “at its most basic level intertextuality acknowledges the fact that no text is an island. All texts are intertexts in so far as they refer to, recycle and draw from other pre-existing texts”. From this definition and others I gather that intertextuality means that the reader gives the text meaning and that the meaning does not reside in the text. The meanings behind the text can be filtered through many different forms of literature that the reader has read beforehand which all comes together to help give the text definition to the reader. I also think this means that all text is correlated and is somehow intertwined.

Kilbride goes on in saying “the theory of intertextuality recognizes that all texts are reliant on prior traditions and literary forms”. I believe this means in order to get more understanding of certain texts a reader should always be expanding their literacy knowledge.

2.Research Wiley’s work and write a paragraph that analyses how we might make sense of his work. Identify intertextuality in Wiley’s work.

Kehinde Wiley (2007). Acting in accordance with chairman Maos instructions means victory

Wiley’s work is, paintings of African American men rendered in a realistic style. His paintings are very colourful with ornately decorated backgrounds, bold in both style and colour and also larger than life with conations of power heroicness. The men painted in his work are often dressed in street clothing and are posing in a heroic manner, which gives reference to old paintings of Renaissance masters. As Deitch Projects (2005) says Wiley “incorporates a range of art historical and vernacular styles in his paintings, from the French Rococo to the contemporary urban street”. His paintings are very individual and history and style are very relevant concepts behind his contemporary paintings.

I think his work is very intertextual because it is a fusion of many styles and ideas, and each viewer brings a different definition to his work, which is very relevant to the definition of intertextuality. The combined periodic styles ranging from French Rococo, Islamic Architecture, West African textile design and urban hip hop also make his work very intertextual. Without having previous knowledge of these different ideas and periods the viewer would not know this about his work and also if Wiley did not have this knowledge about other artistic movements and styles his work would look very different to how it looks now.

3.Wiley’s work relates to next weeks postmodern theme “PLURALISM”. Read page 46 and discuss how the work relates to this theme.

Kehinde Wiley Support Army and Look after People, 2007 oil on canvas, 258.4 x 227.3cm

I think that Wiley’s work relates to the theme of pluralism because pluralism as Merriam-Webster sums up is a system that honours differences within and between equitable groups. Wiley’s work deals with the ideas of pluralism as he has placed black men in traditional Western Renaissance style settings. By doing this in his paintings he is taking away the boundaries created earlier on in society by culture and hierarchy. Another way we can see the ideas of pluralism in his work is how he has overlapped these different cultures and ideas by using intertextuality in his work and combining many different cultural styles. As the artist says he did it because he wanted to see people who looked like him and in doing this he has had “a lot of young black kids come up to [him] and say they are grateful to look at this monumental mega painting with someone they can relate to,” Wiley (2005).

4.Comment on how Wiley’s work raises questions around social/cultural hierarchies, colonisation, globalisation, stereotypes and the politics which govern a western worldview.

I think Wiley’s work raises questions about hierarchies, colonization, globalisation, stereotypes and the politics which govern a western worldview simply by painting black men wearing street clothing in settings which are normally associated with traditional Renaissance style affluent white men of hierarchy. By doing this, I believe it has a very powerful effect on the viewer and these ideas are automatically raised and questioned. As Sean Kelly Gallery states, “his heroic paintings evoke a modern style instilling a unique and contemporary manner, awakening complex issues that many would prefer remain mute”.
As Miller (2007) discusses Wiley raises many questions with his mirror reflective paintings. Ideas and questions are raised about the old meanings and the search for new meanings about race, masculinity and above all by saying “another world is possible”.

5. Add some reflective comments of your own, which may add more information that you have read during your research.

I think art such as Wiley’s is very important to research in contemporary culture because it brings forth questions about the Western history of art and how dominated it is by one small minority (others seem to be overlooked), and how exclusive art sometimes seems to be. Artists like Wiley are important for the evolution of art movements and also to help engage a wider audience to art and its history. 

Reference List

Deitch Projects (2005). Kehinde Wiley. 

Miller, S (2007). Kehinde Wiley’s new world portraiture.


  1. I really like the quote you included here - "the theory of intertextuality recognizes that all texts are reliant on prior traditions and literary forms”. I believe this means in order to get more understanding of certain texts a reader should always be expanding their literacy knowledge."

    I think this is a well rounded explanation as to what intertexuality is.

    I agree also that Wiley's work has a powerful effect on the viewer because it forces them to think about the juxtaposing ideas he uses in his works.

  2. Liked your answer to question 3 where you identified pluralism in Wiley's works. I do sense that he has taken the boundaries which were created earlier in society long ago and opened up a new perspective for viewers to see. Definately liked your quote "As the artist says he did it because he wanted to see people who looked like him and in doing this he has had “a lot of young black kids come up to [him] and say they are grateful to look at this monumental mega painting with someone they can relate to,” just by creating a work like this wiley has indeed challenged traditional western culture and beliefs.
